Sunday, February 01, 2004

Affording IT may be the biggest complaint but really just a cop out. More than ever in the last ten years technology is not only more worth while but more affordable and complete.

It is more common to find out of date technologies in the average business environment than not. It is a real cold shower for anyone who was working and laid off in the IT industry. The real world is not buying as fast as the Developers are developing.

I have even seen desktops being crudely fashioned to function as a server connecting networks in a office.

My mouth agape I wondered what sort of cruel joke was this.

Can you Afford IT?

The value of technology has to be measured in result. Anything else is a drama. The most common excuse for not incorporating new technologies is that it is a waste of money because maintenance cost out weigh return on investment. This is not true if the purchases are thorough.

A new publication for Computing needs I have recently come across is An excellent starting point for business who are remotely interested in catching up. Linux the likeable software is branching out to main stream advertising. This is good news for the Open Source movement. Giving the good guys a chance to sway opinion is a good move for IT in general. Microsoft is becoming a dirty word since all of the horrific worm disasters and the usual bugs. Now if Microsoft makes headlines there is a cringe in the heart of all Windows users as to what they are going to suffer through next.

Top Level Security Investments are not the problem. There have been an increasing number of Security related articles with new ideas and approaches offered. Good security investments are relevant but the bed bugs still bite because of the politics of software.

I think it is possible to incorporate modest security investments for efficacy but the real battle is just the day to day trials of life on the wild wild web. One cannot expect to feel completely secure in an evolving environment. The only thing one can insist on is Identity and Credit Card protection. I think anything beyond that is unrealistic, paranoid, and just plain expensive.

Important company data is usually backed up in several locations and generally not server based as the storage rule goes.

affordable as with appropriate spending begins with good information and resources. The October issue of InfoWorld Magazine entitled "IT on 5 dollars a day?" Devoted its efforts to reminding consumers that IT can be had. Dell recently launched a commercial regarding affordability of its hardware.

Many are still advocating building your own network and workstations. Parts are often purchased politically, so that your hardware costs have more to do with brands used to build them than functionality. offers a variety of low cost Mac hardware, software, and accessories.

The average small business is as guilty of bad spending habits as government. Still with the functionality of advanced technologies becoming more accessible universally, opening your business to international trade has sound good.

Keeping up with IT news will also clear the mind as to the next big price drop location. When Mac declared it would be switching to Pentium processors; one could easily foresee that the release of those systems would mean a lower retail and resale price for current models. This is just one of many examples to aide in the prediction of the next big sale. Another could way to keep the feelers out would be the competitive edge. If Dell is selling laptops for 599 it is reasonable to assume that Dell's competitors will be following suit likewise, it is reasonable to assume that if a manufacturer drops its prices once to generate sales it will do it again because product most move.

The economic rebound will not be able to remove the fact that a lot of money went the other direction. Recovery therefore is not the same thing as a rebound. Still the slump is moving on and the future is still as mysterious as the vast universe around us. What happens next depends on what we are going to do about it.

So I am wondering can we entice small businesses to get with IT?


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